About me

Vassilis AntonasOriginally from a Psychology background, I have trained extensively at Post Graduate Level as a Psychotherapist and an Executive Coach. I have worked for the British National Health System as well as for non-for profit organisations in England from 1998 to 2001.

I served as Clinical Director of CAP London (Counselling and Psychotherapy Associates) from 2001 to 2006 at which point I returned to Greece.

I am founder and co-founder of Executive Coaching training programs and have taught coaches and psychotherapists across Europe.

In 2006, I founded Impact Premium Consulting Services, of which I am also Managing Director. The organisation specialises in HR Consulting and runs the first ever complete Executive Coaching Training in Greece.

As a therapist I have worked with a wide variety of clients, providing them with guidance and support for periods ranging from six sessions to ten years.

My basic psychotherapy training is Humanistic and my focus, supervision and professional development has revolved primarily around Jungian theory for the last few years.

Even though I employ analytical and humanistic skills in trying to grasp the psychological make-up of my clients, I draw heavily from my expertise as an executive coach to identify and improve limiting beliefs that may hold back their development on every level.

I can at times be a strict judge and an impatient mentor but I endeavour to deliver my feedback with as much compassion as I can master.

In 2017, Routledge published my book, Coaching for Impact